Now it’s easier than ever to support everyone’s right to a sustainable future. Besides the opportunities offered on our website to make a donation, there are other quick and easy ways to give: Monthly recurring donations by Autogiro, Swish via a QR code or number, or payment directly to our bank account.
We can now offer recurring monthly giving via Autogiro or credit card. Make your contribution long-term. Follow our projects and see the effects unfold. Sign up for our monthly giving programme on the link. Choose any amount, and select payment by either Autogiro or Card.
You are one click away from supporting our work. Open Swish and scan the QR code to swish a gift of your choice to 123 900 68 42. With your donation we build sustainable communities.
To make a donation of any amount you can use either of these two methods:
Deposit a gift on our Plusgiro: 900684 - 2
Make a deposit on our Bankgiro: 900-6842
By your payment, you agree that your personal data is processed in accordance with our privacy policy.
Please note that we do not have the opportunity to send out gift certificates for direct payments. Contact us to create a gift certificate and give in memory of a loved one, on
Some donators prefer to donate anonymously. This is of course possible by using our regular bank account below and omitting any personal details, plus writing ANONYMOUS in the voluntary information space. We respect our donors wish to remain anonymous.
Our Nordea bank account number is: 9960 4209006842
Do you have questions or concerns about your donation? You are always welcome to contact us at
As a self-dependent organization, we rely on funding from our supporters to realize our mission. Financial support enables long-term engagement and for us to plan and prioritize our activities in Sweden and abroad. With your help, we are able to implement projects that address fundamental needs in collaboration with local NGO-partners and are able to work in the same geographical area over a long time to follow up the results from our projects.
EWB-SWE works towards several well-established focus areas. We will direct your donation to where the needs are greatest. The decision is based on the needs identified internally following a thorough process and upon discussion with our long-term local partners in case of international projects.
EWB-SWE is approved by the Swedish Tax Authority as Gåvomottagare (approved Beneficiaries). This means that as a donor to our non-profit organization, you can apply for a tax reduction up to SEK 2,000 per year. To be included in the basis for tax reduction, your gift must be at least SEK 200 and you should include your Swedish personal number with your donation for us to be able to declare it to the authority.
You will find more information on what tax reduction means and the conditions to receive a tax reduction on the Swedish Tax Agency´s website.
Annual Report
Read more about the work we performed during 2021 and our accomplishments locally and globally.