A new rainwater tank for Rukole Primary school in Tanzania was financed through crowdfunding (swish).

Thanks to your donations a rainwater tank is now being built at Rukole Primary School.

The tank will provide drinking water for the over 1300 students. The rainwater tank collects water during the rainy season and provides the school with drinking water during the dry season.  The donated money goes directly to the construction of the tank with local volunteers (some parents of the school children) and local workers. All work by members of Engineers Without Borders is volunteer work. 


Work as a volunteer for 9 months?
If you have the possibility to work as a volunteer for a long time it will surely be an experience you will never forget. Engineers Without Borders needs experienced engineers in many tasks. To stay abroad as a volunteer for 3-12 months is a good way to use your engineering skills to help others. One of our volunteers, Marianne Grauers is currently staying in Karagwe district in Tanzania for 9 months. There she is working with many different projects like for example providing clean water in villages and schools. If you are interested contact: marianne.grauers@ewb-swe.org


A new chairman and steering group for Engineers Without Borders Sweden

At the annual meeting in April, a partially new steering group was elected and I gained the confidence to lead this work. To our support, we have a Secretary General - Caroline Bastholm, a new role in the organisation. Many exciting challenges lie ahead such as increased support to the local groups, better internal communication and much more.  At the annual meeting surprisingly many, but good motions came in that will be undertaken in the steering group.

An essential task in the coming year is to strengthen our vision work. This together with our guiding principles will be discussed and more strongly incorporated in our work.

The summer is here and with it, we have a lot of activity in our international projects. Many are now in the field to carry out the work that was prepared for during the winter and spring. On the web page there is information about the international projects and but also our other humanitarian engineering projects such as Engineer to Engineer, Openhack, Inspire Youth and much more.

I wish you all a good summer!

Janne Byfors

Revit verification course for newly arrived building engineers

The Engineer to Engineer group in Malmö is happy to announce that we, in cooperation with Malmö University, Region Skåne and Symetri AB, will offer a Revit verification course for newly arrived building engineers.


The course will be held this fall v.33-v.40. After course completion, you will get an Autodesk Revit certification from Symetri AB and a diploma from Malmö University as a reference of your knowledge.

Apply to the course before 2018-06-30, there are limited seats.

Do you have any questions? Please send an e-mail to cadproject.e2emalmo@ewb-swe.org

More information about the course and how to apply is found in the link/attached PDF (text in Swedish):



Engineer to Engineer (E2E) is an integration project within Engineers Without Borders Sweden. We want to connect newly arrived engineers and scientists with Swedish companies within their field. E2E focus on networking and providing tools to make it easier finding a job in Sweden. 

 Blogpost from Tatum Cameroon 24th of May 2018

Currently, two members from the EWB project Waccess (short for water access) are performing a field study in the village of Tatum in Cameroon. This post will describe the project as well as the first days in Cameroon.

Waccess is a continued collaboration between EWB and the Cameroonian NGO Afoni children of hope foundation (ACOHOF). So far two projects, installation of solar panels and a computer lab, have been completed together with ACOHOF on their family farm school (FFS) in the village of Tatum in Cameroon. The project Waccess aims to continue the successful collaboration with the local partner organisation, but this time focusing on the critical water situation in Tatum. For the past year, members of the Waccess project have been working on ideas to improve the water access for students and staff at the FFS as well as other members of the community in Tatum. The original plan was to understand the water situation and come up with a solution in Sweden before travelling to Tatum to implement a technical system. However, the group realised that it was not possible to understand the current water situation well enough to determine the best solution back home in Sweden. Therefore, it was decided to do a field study in order make the most out of the project and to eliminate the risk of choosing the wrong approach.
Tatum is a village located approximately 2000 meters above sea level in the northwest English-speaking region of Cameroon and to go here, you have to drive through the French region. The two regions are currently in a dispute about, to be short: equal rights. The dispute is noticeable in Cameroon since the anglophones have been demonstrating against the French government which has responded by announcing a curfew between 9 pm and 5 am and by cutting the internet access from time to time. Many schools are either closed or not fully staffed due to the protests.
When arriving in Tatum we who are representing EWB spent our first time getting to know the surroundings and the staff at ACOHOF.  During the first three days in Tatum different meetings have been held with staff at ACOHOF. We have also had the chance to visit the ACOHOF family farm school (FFS) to examine their water sources and usage.

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Before the trip to Tatum, the Waccess group were quite confident that a rainwater harvesting (RWH) system at the FFS would be the best solution and a workshop with focus on RWH was prepared and ready. However, from the conversations that we have had so far and from the visit at the school, we are no longer sure that a RWH system is the best way to increase the water access in Tatum. It seems like the villagers wish to use other types of systems, like catchment areas and pipelines from natural springs, to increase the water access. Therefore, the decision of performing a field study has proven to be a good choice, but on the other hand, the development of the Waccess project might take an unexpected path. We will use the rest of our time here to identify the water-related issues concerning the school’s and villagers’ needs and desires. Hopefully, we can then, in collaboration with ACOHOF, come up with a good and suitable solution to improve access to water in Tatum.


Annual Recruitment Day


This Thursday Engineer to Engineer Uppsala held their annual Recruitment Day. The day consisted of speed dating and mingle with companies, one lecture on professional networking with UU career and one on intercultural & emotional intelligence when hunting for a job with Gwen Murray. 

We in the E2E team would like to thank the companies who attended the day; it would not have been possible without you!

Here is a list of the companies that participated: 
Novare Potential

Engineer to Engineer (E2E) is an integration project within Engineers Without Borders Sweden. We want to connect newly arrived engineers and scientists with Swedish companies within their field. E2E focus on networking and providing tools to make it easier finding a job in Sweden. Do you want to know more about us? Join our Facebook group "Engineer to Engineer Uppsala" or write us an e-mail at e2e.uppsala@ingenjorerutangranser.se


We are sad to inform you that Ivan Öfverholm, founder of Ingenjörer utan gränser, suddenly passed away on Tuesday the 6th of March at 75 years old. Ivan will be greatly missed as a father, grandfather, friend, mentor, and colleague.



Ivan founded Ingenjörer utan gränser in Gothenburg in 2007 and was our chairperson until 2015. He was a man with a big heart. The idea of Ingenjörer utan gränser was born during the tragedy of the tsunami in 2004. Ivan was the glue that held us all together during the first years, always positive, working tirelessly to bring the best out of everyone and to find new talents for the team. Under his leadership, the organisation expanded from a small group at Chalmers to a national organization with groups in many major Swedish cities.


Ivan had a rich and eventful life as an engineer and manager, starting his career in early software and mobile telecommunications. He later moved on to the space industry, where he was CEO of Saab Ericsson Space, now Ruag Space, for almost two decades. He held several other roles in the engineering community, for example as president of The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences in West Sweden (IVA Väst). Ivan always had a close connection to Chalmers, with a history as treasurer for the student union.

The final years of his life he dedicated to his grandchildren and friends, making the occasional visit to Ingenjörer utan gränser such as helping set up our Engineer to Engineer activities.

We want to thank Ivan for all the love and dedication he has shown Ingenjörer utan gränser throughout the years, and the lasting impressing he has left on so many of us.

The funeral will be held in Masthuggskyrkan at 13:00 on April 6th.

Ingenjörer utan gränser

New rainwater tank for a Primary School in Tanzania

Swisha till 1230737908
Under torrperioderna har Rukole Primary School i Tanzania inget vatten alls. Deras nuvarande trasiga regnvattentankar rymmer inte den mängd vatten som behövs för mer än 1300 elever. Dagligen är ca 400 elever sjuka och under 2018 har 3 elever gått bort. Tre personer från Ingenjörer utan gränser är på plats och jobbar på skolan dagligen. En ny fungerande vattentank skulle göra det möjligt för fler elever att fortsätta gå i skolan.



50 kr motsvarar en kostnad för att förse en elev med rent vatten varje dag under hela sin skolgång.

Varför skänka pengar till projekt:
- pengarna går direkt till byggnationen, inga mellanhänder
- Du stödjer lokal arbetskraft
- Ingenjörer utan gränser är på plats hela tiden och kommer dokumentera och se till att byggnationen går som planerat

Alla summor tas tacksamt emot. Du gör skillnad!
Swish: 1230737908

primary school.jpg

New rainwater tank for a Primary school in Tanzania

During the dry season, Rukole Primary School in Tanzania does not have any water at all. Their existing rainwater tanks are broken and too small to provide the over 1300 students with drinking water. Every day around 400 students are sick, and three students have passed away during 2018. Three volunteers from Engineers Without Borders Sweden are currently working at the school daily. A new water tank would enable more students to go to school.

50 SEK would pay for one student's clean drinking water use for his or her whole school period.

Why you should support this specific project: 
- the money goes directly to the construction of the tank (all work is voluntary) 
- You support local workforce
- Engineers Without Borders Sweden will be here to document and ensure that everything goes as planned

Every donation is appreciated. You can make a difference!
Swish: 1230737908

Bengt Dahlgren förlänger samarbetet med Ingenjörer utan gränser

Lars Kjellgren-VD Bengt Dahlgren Stockholm AB, Stina Efraimsson-Marknadskoordinator Bengt Dahlgren samt Amanda Lindén Guiñez och Jan Byfors från Ingenjörer utan gränser.

Lars Kjellgren-VD Bengt Dahlgren Stockholm AB, Stina Efraimsson-Marknadskoordinator Bengt Dahlgren samt Amanda Lindén Guiñez och Jan Byfors från Ingenjörer utan gränser.

Bengt Dahlgren förlänger nu samarbetet med Ingenjörer utan gränser. Bengt Dahlgrens stödjer och samverkar med Ingenjörer utan gränser dels i form av ekonomiskt bidrag och dels genom att medarbetare deltar praktiskt i olika volontärprojekt. Bengt Dahlgren går nu in med 500,000 över tre år samtidigt som det aktiva deltagandet i projekt fortsätter.

- ”Genom ett fortsatt samarbete vill vi skapa större förutsättningar för föreningen att utöva sin verksamhet. Vi vill också göra det möjligt för våra medarbetare att delta i volontärprojekt och på så vis bidra med vår tekniska kompetens.” säger Agneta Lundén Hjält, Personalchef på Bengt Dahlgren.

Sedan avtalet tecknades 2015 har Bengt Dahlgren ingått i flera spännande projekt. Bland annat i byn Chonyonyo, i Karagwe väster om Victoriasjön i Tanazania där Bengt Dahlgren deltar i det pågående arbetet med att förse invånarna i byn med renare vatten.

- ”Att vi nu fortsätter vårt samarbete med Bengt Dahlgren ytterligare 3 år som guldpartner till Ingenjörer utan gränser är mycket glädjande. I vårt samarbete hittills har Ingenjörer utan gränser fått tillgång till Bengt Dahlgrens högkvalificerade personal bland annat i vattenrelaterade projekt i Tanzania. Vidare har samarbetet stärkt Ingenjörer utan gränsers interna struktur vilket gjort det möjligt för oss att anta än fler och mer komplicerade uppgifter. Det har varit mycket värdefullt för oss och vi ser fram emot ett lika bra och fruktsamt samarbete de kommande tre åren.” säger Caroline Bastholm, ordförande Ingenjörer utan gränser

Bengt Dahlgren satsar mot att vara ett hållbart företag och samarbetet med Ingenjörer utan gränser ligger helt i linje med denna satsning. Social hållbarhet är en viktig aspekt och det finns en gemensam strävan mot ett samhälle där alla människor lever ett bra liv med god hälsa, utan orättvisa skillnader.

Fakta Bengt Dahlgren
Bengt Dahlgren är ett av Sveriges ledande teknikkonsultföretag inom VVS, Energi & Miljö, Styr & Övervakning, Brand & Risk samt Teknisk Förvaltning.

Sandvik AB has initiated a long-term collaboration with Engineers Without Borders Sweden

Johan Kerstell, Executive Vice President and Head of Human Resources, Sandvik Group, Jessica Alm, Executive Vice President and Head of Group Communications, Sandvik Group, Jan Byfors, Acting Chariman, Engineers Without Borders Sweden, and Albin Thur…

Johan Kerstell, Executive Vice President and Head of Human Resources, Sandvik Group, Jessica Alm, Executive Vice President and Head of Group Communications, Sandvik Group, Jan Byfors, Acting Chariman, Engineers Without Borders Sweden, and Albin Thureson, Member of the Board, Engineers Without Borders Sweden

Sandvik AB has initiated a long-term collaboration with Engineers Without Borders, Sweden, with the intention of contributing technical know-how, project management and international experience to the organization’s voluntary activities in Sweden and in developing countries.