Walk In A Recruiter's Shoes

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EWB-SWE is excited to invite you to the online event - Walk In A Recruiter's Shoes. 

You will learn about the recruiting process from the perspective of Henrik Granqvist, Recruiter for Poolia. 

Where: Zoom

When: November 12th, 18:00 - 20:00

Who: Newly arrived professionals, asylum seekers, & Engineer to Engineer members

Price: Free of charge!

Sign up and read more here:


This event is organised by EWB-SWE's initiative to help our newly arrived professionals to increase their chances of getting a job. We are sharing insights from recruiters, so that job seekers know how to prepare themselves for networking, CV writing, interviews, and tests. The event will also aid in understanding the Swedish job market and how job applicants can catch a recruiter's attention.