Join EWB-SWE's digitalisation focus group

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Engineers Without Borders Sweden (EWB) has worked with digitalisation since 2016, and a total of three international projects have been carried out. As of May 2020, there are two active projects, one for Tanzania and one for Kenya.

All current and earlier digitalisation projects have been working on the same foundation of hardware and software. A server running PiServer, and Raspberry Pi clients running Raspbian. Together they make a computer lab where both teachers and students can study the technology and become computer literate. Student can also use the labs for studying the school curriculum, as the project supplies the necessary software.

To benefit from scaling effects, EWB has decided to set up a framework for CFS-projects. Partly in terms of hardware and software, but also in terms of long-term maintenance, teacher training material, and last but not least: computer literacy tests.

The task of building this framework falls upon the digitalisation focus group. We are looking for people who want to join the focus group to help develop and build this framework. We are looking to fill three general role groups; software, hardware, and education/sustainability, all roles can expect to put in between 2-4 hours a week.

 • Software: You are interested in software, coding, and finding solutions to unusual problems. You are comfortable with git, Linux, and getting familiar with source code. All the software we use right now is open source, though this is subject to change if deemed necessary. We want you to look at how to make our software solution better, more stable, and easier to use.

 • Hardware: You are interested in electronics, networking, and power solutions. You are familiar with Linux, and perhaps you have been working with Raspberry Pi's before. We want you to evaluate the current hardware solution and compare it to other possible solutions. The evaluation should balance power efficiency, cost, and durability.

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 • Education and sustainability: You are interested in teaching, technology, and the combination of the two. Maybe you have worked as a teacher, or perhaps you have worked as an extra teacher on the side (homework help, mentoring, lab extra on university course). We want you to keep developing our computer literacy tests and the methods we can use to evaluate the effect of our projects. We also want you to look at the teacher training material, as well as the teaching material that the teachers can use when teaching their subjects to the students.

If this sounds interesting, please get in contact with Christian Naccache by email: