Presenting Our Half-Year Report: January - June 2024

We are delighted to share our Half-Year Report, covering the significant events and milestones achieved during the first six months of 2024. The report highlights our ongoing efforts and progress in various projects and collaborations aimed at promoting sustainable engineering solutions and enhancing education and inclusivity.

Key Highlights:

  • January: We concluded our Winter Campaign and launched the School Campaign 2024. A major donation was received from Polhem Prize Laureate Truvé, and Mavuno Secondary School achieved an outstanding academic ranking.

  • February: Sustainable Engineering Week was celebrated in four cities, accompanied by a Happy Valentine Campaign. Our local student groups arranged lunch seminars at universities across Sweden.

  • March: We welcomed News Machine as a new pro bono partner for our Global Newsfeed. The Alstom Foundation supported our WASH project in Tanzania, and we initiated a collaboration with "IT for Children" in Ghana. Caroline Edelstam signed a call for a non-profit cause.

  • April: Windows were installed in the new high school in Mavuno, TZ. The Mavuno project was featured in CATCH’s review, and we held a strategic meeting. We also shared EWB Norway’s initiative for Gaza and appointed Jan Burenius as our new Chairman of the Board.

  • May: EWB-SWE reached the finals in The Next Awards and hosted a successful Missing Maps Mapathon. Our water project in Chile was endorsed by the Chilean Embassy, and we launched a new WASH project in collaboration with ESF Chile. WOW Foundation became a new partner for our Engineer2Engineer initiative.

  • June: Ingenjörsfirman Rörkraft joined as a Bronze partner. The recruitment for the Sandvik mentorship program closed, and we provided an update on the WASH for Schools project in Tanzania. Solar panels were delivered to the school in Mavuno, and we began planning our summer campaign with a WASH focus. The local student group in Lund restarted, and we celebrated International Women in Engineering Day 2024.

Additional Highlights:

  • Missing Maps in May: Over 50 dedicated mappers participated in our Mapathon, mapping flood-affected areas in Demak Regency, Indonesia.

  • New Collaboration with WOW Foundations: We are proud to welcome WOW Foundations as a new partner, supporting the integration of foreign-born and refugee women into Swedish society and offering free membership to those with engineering qualifications.

  • International Women in Engineering Day: We celebrated the achievements of women engineers within our organisation, with interviews facilitated by our partner Sandvik.

Fundraising Efforts:

  • Q1-Q2: Fundraising focused on the installation of solar panels at the new high school building in Mavuno and additional WASH projects at schools in Karagwe, Tanzania.

  • Q3: Our Summer Campaign will highlight the importance of water, showcasing ongoing WASH projects in Chile, Bangladesh, and Tanzania.

Communications and Publicity:

We continue to refine our brand-building strategy to engage more effectively with our audiences, raise awareness within the engineering and academic communities, and expand our network. Our media publicity has highlighted major donations, new corporate partnerships, and the excellent academic results at our programme schools.

Stay updated on our journey as we strive to engineer a more sustainable, equal, and inclusive future. For more information, visit