Welcome to EWB-SWE Annual Meeting & Members’ Day 2025
/This year’s Annual Meeting & Members’ Day will be held April 26-27 2025. Engineers Without Borders Sweden is pleased to welcome all members to our Annual Meeting & Members’ Day 2025 on April 26-27. The event is open to all EWB-SWE members. The Annual Meeting is a great chance to make your voice heard and influence EWB-SWE´s future by submitting a motion and voting on issues raised during the meeting. During these two days, you will also have the opportunity to learn more about ongoing projects and programs, as well as recent developments.
Members’ Day
Starting: April 26 at 11:00.
Ending: April 27 by 13:00.
Venue: Urban Garden Zinkensdamm Hotel & Hostel, Zinkens Väg 20, Södermalm, Stockholm.
Programme: Please see the programme for the Members’ Day further down on this page >>
Annual Meeting
Date: April 26
Time: 13:00-14:30
Venue: Urban Garden Zinkensdamm Hotel & Hostel, Zinkens Väg 20, Södermalm, Stockholm.
Online participation: Yes, please sign up here below.
Members’ Day Programme
Saturday April 26, 2025
11:00 Registration and check-in, from 11:00
12:00 Welcome lunch, at Zinkensdamm Urban Garden (1 h)
13:00 Annual Meeting, (1.5 h)
Please see the agenda here!
It is possible to follow the meeting online through this link.
Please note the following deadlines: Proposals to be presented at the Annual Meeting is April 10th, 2025. Nominations for candidates for the EWB-SWE Board is open until March 31st. The election committee can be reached by email to election.committee@ewb-swe.org
14.30 Afternoon fika (0.5 h)
15:00 Afternoon session (3 h)*
Update from our Secretariat
Launch of our new National Professional Group
Presentations from our Local Student Groups: Chalmers, Lund, Luleå, KTH, Linköping , Uppsala
Short brake
Presentations from our Competence Groups: Construction; Digitalization; Energy & Waste; Sustainable Food; WASH, Partnership Assessment; Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning (MEL).
18:00 Closing remarks. Free time (1 h)
19:00 Mingle (1 h)
20:00 Dinner, at self cost price
Sunday April 27, 2025
8:00-10:00 Breakfast is served at the Urban Garden Zinkensdamm Hostel Breakfast Room
Check out
Free time
10:00 Morning session and workshops (3 h)
Workshops with our Competence Groups, Local Student Groups and the Board on:
Thoughts and ideas from the presentations yesterday
Ideas on how to strengthen cooperation within the organisation
13:00 End of EWB-SWE two-day Annual Meeting and workshops
Booking of accommodation
In order to book accommodation please e-mail our booking contact Yvonne at yvonne@zinkensdamm.com
Please mention that you are participating in EWB-SWE event on April 26-27, and state if you are part of a "Local group" or a "Competence Group."
Rooms with shared shower and WC (in the corridor), for 2-4 persons/per room: 450 SEK (per person)
Rooms with with shower and WC, for 1-2 per person: 790 SEK (per person) (for single rooms there might be an additional fee).
Please note that you need to bring your own sheets, but it is possible to rent from the hostel. Just ask when booking.
Deadlines for booking
Last day to register for the Annual Meeting & Member's Day, and for booking of accommodation, is Sunday, 23rd of March.
If you are unable to meet that deadline, but wish to sign-up for the meeting, please email communication@ewb-swe.org
Sign-up here!
Sessions: Please sign up for attendance for both the Annual Meting session and the Dinner session on Saturday, and for the Workshop session on Sunday. In case you cannot participate in all sessions, please only select the sessions where you will be able to participate.
It is also possible to attend the Annual Meeting online. Please sign upp with the link to the right.