Empowering Children through a Rights-Based Approach

EWB-SWE’s Commitment on World Children's Day 2023

As we celebrate World Children's Day 2023, Engineers Without Borders Sweden (EWB-Swe) takes pride in aligning our mission with a profound commitment to upholding the rights of every child. This global observance, marked annually on November 20th, commemorates the adoption of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) in 1989. This year's theme, 'For Every Child, Every Right', resonates deeply with our dedication to ensuring the safety and well-being of children worldwide.

Orphanage centre in Chonyonyo, Karagwe, Tanzania

The Roots of World Children's Day

Since 1954, World Children's Day has served as a reminder of the importance of prioritizing children's rights in the pursuit of a better world. The UNCRC outlines the special rights children require for protection, care, and support during their formative years.

A Rights-Based Approach

At EWB-Swe, we actively incorporate a rights-based approach into our projects, recognizing the transformative impact it can have on the well-being of individuals and communities. This approach goes beyond traditional aid models, viewing children and adults not as passive beneficiaries but as active agents in decisions shaping their lives.  In essence, a rights-based approach centers on recognizing and fulfilling the fundamental rights of individuals, primarily children, ensuring they actively participate in the decision-making processes that affect them. By prioritizing these rights, our aim is to empower communities, enabling children to assert their entitlement to respect, protection, and the necessary support for their rightful development.

Example Project: An Initiative to Improve Education Facilities in Tanzania (SWASH Project)

In collaboration with the Tanzanian aid organization Mavuno Project, EWB-SWE has been actively engaged in a transformative initiative for over ten years. Focused on multiple districts in North-Western Tanzania, this SWASH (School Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) project aims to systematically enhance water and sanitation conditions in 131 primary schools, benefitting approximately 80,000 children.

Orphanage centre in Chonyonyo, Karagwe, Tanzania

The reality in these regions involves overcrowded, understaffed schools with substandard infrastructure and limited access to water and electricity. This challenging environment significantly hampers the quality of education, with insufficient drinking water, unsanitary conditions, and a lack of facilities for girls during menstruation leading to a high absence rate. EWB-SWE's goal has been to implement water tanks providing clean water in 30 schools. Despite numerous challenges, 21 schools have already received clean water, benefiting over 20,000 students.

Our ongoing efforts include designing adequate toilets, exploring water purification techniques, and enhancing water quality in collaboration with Mavuno. This holistic approach not only improves water access but also contributes to creating a conducive environment for education, health, and overall well-being, where children of the communities can have a happy childhood.

On this World Children's Day

EWB-Swe invites you to join us in championing a rights-based approach to secure every child's safety, happiness, and access to opportunities. Together, we can create a world where children's rights are not just acknowledged but actively upheld, fostering a brighter future for generations to come. In supporting initiatives like our SWASH project, we strive to make a lasting impact on children's lives, ensuring they grow up in environments that nurture their potential and provide a foundation for a better tomorrow.

Sakib Muktadir



The importance of Good Sanitation: Celebrating World Toilet Day November 19 and Combatting Health Issues

World Toilet Day, observed every November 19th, serves as a reminder that sanitation is fundamental for human health and well-being. Despite its apparent importance, millions worldwide still lack adequate toilets, leading to severe health problems. This article emphasizes the consequences of poor sanitation, including the spread of diseases, malnutrition, and a cycle of poverty. Organizations like Engineers Without Borders Sweden play a crucial role in addressing these challenges through technical expertise and sustainable solutions​​ within the WASH area – Water, Sanitation and Hygiene.

The following article is available in both English and Swedish, please check below.

The Importance of Good Sanitation: Celebrating World Toilet Day and Combatting Health Issues

World Toilet Day, observed every year on November 19th, serves as a reminder that sanitation and good hygiene are fundamental to people's health and well-being. Despite these needs seeming obvious to many, millions of people around the world still suffer from the lack of adequate toilets and proper sanitation, leading to serious health problems.

In many communities, access to proper toilet facilities is lacking, forcing people to use open areas or makeshift latrines. This not only undermines their dignity but also creates an environment where diseases can easily spread. Without protection from water resource contamination, the risk of waterborne diseases dramatically increases.

Children are particularly vulnerable

One of the primary consequences of the lack of toilets and proper sanitation is the spread of diarrheal diseases. In many cases, this is a direct result of contaminated water from inadequate sewage systems. Children are particularly vulnerable, and diarrhea stands as a leading cause of death among children under five in communities with poor sanitary conditions.

Additionally, inadequate sanitation has a negative impact on nutrition intake. People often avoid eating or drinking enough to avoid using poor sanitary facilities. This leads to malnutrition and can particularly affect the physical and cognitive development of children.

Lack of sanitation creates a cycle of poverty

Furthermore, the lack of proper toilets and sewage systems creates a cycle of poverty. People spend significant portions of their time searching for safe places to fulfill their needs instead of engaging in work or education. As a result, economic opportunities decline, and communities stagnate.

On World Toilet Day, it is crucial that we reflect on these issues and strive for solutions. Sanitation infrastructure is not just a technical challenge but a fundamental human right. To break the cycle of health problems and economic stagnation, a global effort is required to provide access to toilets and implement sustainable sanitation solutions.

Technical expertise is vital

This is where organizations like Engineers Without Borders Sweden play a crucial role. By combining technical expertise with sustainable technologies, we aim to improve sanitary conditions in communities worldwide. In this way, we can address the urgent health problems while contributing to long-term change.

Celebrating World Toilet Day is not just a symbolic act but a reminder of our shared duty to ensure that no one suffers from the lack of toilets and proper sanitation. By supporting organizations and initiatives working to overcome these challenges, we can collectively build a healthier and more sustainable future for all.

Ebba Lewenhaupt,
Student Intern at EWB-SWE


Vikten av god sanitet: Att hylla Toalettens Dag och att bekämpa hälsoproblem

Toalettens Dag, som uppmärksammas den 19 november varje år, är en påminnelse om att sanitet och god hygien är grundläggande för människors hälsa och välbefinnande. Trots att dessa behov kan tyckas självklara för många, lider miljontals människor över hela världen fortfarande av bristen på adekvata toaletter och god sanitet, vilket leder till allvarliga hälsoproblem.

I många samhällen saknas tillgången till ordentliga toalettanläggningar, vilket tvingar människor att använda öppna områden eller improviserade latriner. Detta inte bara underminerar deras värdighet utan skapar också en miljö där sjukdomar lätt kan spridas. Utan skydd mot kontaminering av vattenresurser ökar risken för vattenburna sjukdomar dramatiskt.

Barn är särskilt sårbara

En av de främsta konsekvenserna av bristen på toaletter och god sanitet är spridningen av diarresjukdomar. I många fall är detta en direkt följd av förorenat vatten från otillräckliga avloppssystem. Barn är särskilt sårbara, och diarré står som en av de främsta dödsorsakerna bland barn under fem år i samhällen där sanitära förhållanden är bristfälliga.

Ytterligare en följd av otillräcklig sanering är den negativa påverkan på näringsintaget. Människor undviker ofta att äta eller dricka tillräckligt för att undvika att använda dåliga sanitära faciliteter. Detta leder till undernäring och kan särskilt påverka barns fysiska och kognitiva utveckling.

Brist på toaletter ger cykel av fattigdom

Bristen på ordentliga toaletter och avloppssystem riskerar att skapa en cykel av fattigdom. Människor spenderar stora delar av sin tid på jakt efter säkra platser för att utföra sina behov istället för att delta i arbete eller utbildning. Således försämras ekonomiska möjligheter och samhällen stagnerar.

På Toalettens Dag (World Toilet Day) är det avgörande att vi reflekterar över dessa problem och strävar efter lösningar. Sanitetsinfrastruktur är inte bara en teknisk utmaning utan en grundläggande mänsklig rättighet. För att bryta den onda cirkeln av hälsoproblem och ekonomisk stagnation krävs en global satsning på att tillhandahålla tillgång till toaletter och implementera hållbara saneringslösningar.

Teknisk expertis spelar en avgörande roll

Det är här organisationer som Ingenjörer utan Gränser Sverige spelar en avgörande roll. Genom att kombinera teknisk expertis med hållbara teknologier strävar vi efter att förbättra sanitära förhållanden i samhällen över hela världen. På detta sätt kan vi adressera de akuta hälsoproblemen och samtidigt bidra till en långsiktig förändring.

Att hylla Toalettens Dag är inte bara en symbolisk handling utan en påminnelse om vår gemensamma skyldighet att säkerställa att ingen människa lider av bristen på toaletter och god sanitet. Genom att stödja organisationer och initiativ som arbetar för att övervinna dessa utmaningar kan vi tillsammans bygga en hälsosammare och mer hållbar framtid för alla.

Ebba Lewenhaupt,
Student Intern at EWB-SWE

World Science Day for Peace and Development – November 10th

World Science Week begins on November 10

World Science Day for Peace and Development, celebrated during the week of November 10th, highlights the profound connection between science, peace, and development. The United Nations General Assembly recognizes the pivotal role science and technology play in international peace and security. These advancements are influenced by political and economic decisions, underlining the need to leverage scientific achievements for the betterment of society.

However, one significant challenge is the diversion of valuable scientific talent and financial resources into the arms race, resources that could otherwise address pressing global issues. Engineers are well-equipped to tackle these challenges, with their expertise in innovation, sustainability, and problem-solving.

Engineers are not just builders; they are change-makers. They play a crucial role in finding sustainable solutions to pressing global issues, from clean energy and infrastructure development to healthcare and climate change mitigation.

International cooperation among scientists and engineers is strongly encouraged by the United Nations. This cooperation is essential in addressing complex, cross-border challenges. Engineers, with their problem-solving mindset and practical skills, can be at the forefront of these collaborative efforts.

Engineers Without Borders Sweden (EWB-Swe) is a shining example of how engineers can contribute to peace and development. Our mission revolves around providing sustainable solutions that enhance the lives of communities, especially in vulnerable regions. EWB-SWE is engaged in various projects, from water supply initiatives to educational programs, exemplifying how engineers can be agents of positive change.

EWB-Swe's impactful work is organized through a thematic matrix comprising three central elements: "Healthy Hospitals," "Safe and Sustainable Learning," and "Sustainable & Resilient Communities." These elements are strategically designed to bolster community capacity. We operate across multiple domains, including Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH), Energy & Waste, Sustainable Construction, and Digitalization, all united by a common objective: the realization of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

As we celebrate World Science Day for Peace and Development, we recognize that engineers hold the key to driving innovation and sustainable solutions for the world's most pressing challenges. Through international cooperation and learning from organizations like EWB-Swe, engineers can collectively pave the way toward a more peaceful and prosperous world.

Join us in engineering a brighter future for generations to come!


Sakib Muktadir

SAkib Muktadir, International Projects Intern at EWB-SWE


Spotlight on EWB-SWE: A Conversation with Chairperson Malabika Ray

In a recent feature by Equal IT, the spotlight was on Engineers Without Borders Sweden (EWB-SWE), highlighting our volunteer-driven efforts in engineering for humanity. Chair of the EWB-SWE’s Board, Malabika Ray, had been invited to share insights into the our mission and activities.

Malabika passionately articulated the essence of EWB-SWE, emphasizing our commitment to sustainability and our mission to mobilize engineering expertise for the empowerment and resilience of communities, today and in the future. She talked about our focused activities, aimed at building a sustainable future for communities worldwide, and underscored the crucial role that volunteers play in driving our initiatives.

For those interested in learning more about our work or exploring partnership opportunities, visit our website and consider following EWB-SWE on LinkedIn for updates and more information.

Watch the full conversation with Malabika Ray on Equal IT’s YouTube channel, where she provides a richer understanding of our organization's background, focus areas, and the significant contributions of our volunteers.

Equal IT is a mission-driven business supporting organisations globally to recruit inclusive teams through refined talent acquisition complemented by diversity and inclusion consulting.

Sustaid and EWB-SWE in new collaboration

We are glad to announce that Engineers Without Borders Sweden and Sustaid have initiated a collaboration. This collaboration brings together two organizations driven by a mission to create meaningful, sustainable change.

Sustaid is focused on improving the lives of the most vulnerable individuals in crisis- and disaster-affected areas. Sustaid facilitates sustainable innovations and solutions through cross-sectoral partnerships, and their work is aligned with Sustainable Development Goal 17, emphasizing the importance of collaboration for optimal long-term impact.

”Ingenuity and collaboration lie at the heart of both our organizations," said Caroline Edelstam, Secretary General of EWB-SWE. "We believe that our expertise in humanitarian engineering will greatly complement Sustaid's efforts to propel sustainable innovations in the most vulnerable places."

For over 15 years, EWB-SWE has leveraged its technical expertise to build a more equitable and resilient world. Like Sustaid, we aim to bridge gaps—whether structural or cultural—between aid organizations, businesses, and innovation hubs. This partnership promises to further enrich our international engagement and strengthen our collective impact.

Rexel Supports Solar Energy Project for Newborns in Tanzania

We are happy to announce a donation from Rexel toward our solar energy project aimed at saving the lives of underweight newborns at the Lugala Lutheran Hospital in Tanzania.

Charlotte Asplund, from Rexel Marketing Department, expressed her company's commitment: "At Rexel, we offer products and services for safer electrical installations and more comfortable properties. Alongside our customers, we aim for energy-smart, economically-smart, and environmentally-smart solutions in every project we undertake. We're both happy and proud to have donated to Engineers Without Borders Sweden to support their work in installing solar panels at the hospital in Tanzania."

Rexel raised the funds through a customer survey, donating 10 SEK for each response. "Every answer we receive in the customer survey represents a donation of 10 kronor toward EWB-SWE’s project to save the lives of 15 newborns and support quality care for 490 newborns per year due to the absence of power outages," Asplund added.

Life-saving machinery

EWB-SWE has been involved in various infrastructure projects at the Lugala Lutheran Hospital, located in the village of Lugala in Malinyi district, Morogoro region in Tanzania, including water sanitation and energy-efficient laundry facilities. 

The current project aims to install a solar photovoltaic system to provide a sustainable source of energy to the hospital’s Kangaroo Mother Care Unit (KMCU). This will ensure that life-saving machinery remains operational in the neonatal unit even when the local electrical grid fails. The KMCU is specifically designed to care for underweight newborns, providing them with a better chance for survival.

In collaboration with the hospital and our local partner, Tanzania Renewable Energy Association (TAREA), EWB-SWE will also train staff on maintaining and optimising the new solar photovoltaic system. The objective is to empower the hospital to provide continuous care, alleviating the immediate and long-term risks posed by unreliable electricity supply.

Caroline Edelstam, Secretary General of EWB-SWE, said, "Donations like these play a crucial role in the success of our ongoing projects and our long-term initiatives that aim to bring sustainable solutions and empower communities. We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to Rexel for their support.” 


Inspired by Rexel´s initiative?

Join us in our goal to provide a sustainable energy source for the neonatal unit at Lugala Lutheran Hospital and save underweight newborns´ lives! 


Carin Balfe Arbman joins EWB-SWE as Head of Communication

Engineers Without Borders Sweden is proud to announce the newest addition to our team: Carin Balfe Arbman, who joins as Head of Communication. Beyond her primary role in communications, Carin will also be coordinating our local groups across Sweden. This dual responsibility highlights our commitment to strengthening the national engineering community's connections and collaborations.


Secretary General, Caroline Edelstam, shared her thoughts on the appointment: "Carin's vast experience not only in communication but also in the tech and start-up sectors, as well as non-profit organizations, is very valuable. We believe her unique perspective and skills will play a crucial role in expanding our reach and driving our mission forward."

Carin’s latest position was as National Communications Manager for the Swedish youth organisation Fryshuset. And she previously worked as Communications Manager for the Swedish Ag-tech and innovation company Plantagon International.

This is a significant step for Engineers Without Borders Sweden as we continue our journey in promoting engineering as a tool for positive change, emphasizing its role in sustainability, foreign aid, and engineering education. Join us in welcoming Carin to EWB-SWE!


Greetings from our Secretary General!

Caroline is the newest addition to the management team of EWB-SWE. Join us as we reflect with her on the first months with us and most importantly what is the pipeline for the rest of the year for the organization.

>Two months on the job. What are your initial thoughts and how has it been so far?

It has been two very interesting months in learning more about the organization, its supporters and all the important work EWB-SWE conducts and the actual impact the organization has for communities in need. The incredible, warm spirit of everyone volunteering and committing to all our work and projects is very inspiring, how we together can work for a better and more sustainable future. Further, it has been very interesting to discover all designs and creative solutions to real-world problems and sustainable development projects that are innovative and community centered.

>What are the plans for the fall and beyond?

After the summer will be quite exciting for all of us at EWB-SWE as we will present a new strategy for our international projects and continue to push projects that have been active or moving at slow speed following the pandemic. We are keeping a strong focus on fundraising so we can contribute more to our projects and we are already starting planning for upcoming campaigns - “Giving Tuesday '' on November 28th and year-end giving around Christmas Campaign. We are also working to launch a new feature for everyone willing to make their support last with monthly donations.

Our important work with Missing Maps continues and we will be back with more news on our upcoming mapathon after the summer holidays. Another exciting news is the launch of “Meet our Partners”, a series of interviews with our partners to talk about our collaboration and achievements together.

Last but not least, we will start in October the third edition of our Connect Mentorship Program in collaboration with our main partner Sandvik that aims at sharing knowledge and increasing insight about both organizations through pairing between their Global Graduates and our local groups. 

>Anything else?

Yes! EWB-SWE is now a proud member of The West Sweden Chamber of Commerce, a privat and politically neutral organization working to strengthen the region's business community. This collaboration gives us a wonderful opportunity to work with integration and sustainability in the region.

And I look forward to working with all of you and wish you a happy summer!

// Caroline Edelstam

Bangladesh: addressing health and water quality issues

About 25 million people in Bangladesh do not have access to clean drinking water and 40% of the population is affected by health issues caused by dirty water while it is the first cause of death among children. The village of Goaldihi experiences a similar situation to the rest of the country with a stressed water situation and a population suffering from many illnesses such as diarrhea assumed to be linked to poor quality water consumption and even leading to some deaths.


Previous tests in the village revealed the presence of a coliform bacteria E-coli in the wells confirming that water is the rooting cause of the health issues that also increase significantly during the monsoon as mosquitos and other bacteria thrive in these conditions. With a lack of knowledge of the current water situation in the village, further information was required to be able to address the health and water quality issues in the best way for the population.

Between 2020-2023 EWB-SWE conducted a pre-study to find the main issues of water contamination and to find potential solutions for the problems in hand. After months of planning, water quality tests, surveys and more, the project team has now been able to point out the main issues to the water contamination and sanitation issues as well, and suggest solutions that are economically feasible to increase the quality of the drinking water.

Issues and solutions

One of the first causes to water contamination identified is animal waste runoffs as the terrain is flat and part of riverine is flood plains. Another cause is the proximity of the tube wells next to pit latrines. Our survey data also shows a very high-water table of 2.5 meters. This is disadvantageous as the minimum vertical distance between the bottom of latrine pits and the water table should be at least 2 meters.

Based on this analysis, the project team has evaluated and proposed two different solutions for safe drinking water (raised deep tube wells which can be powered by solar cells and ceramic filtration which is an old but effective to purify water), two solutions for safe sanitation (composting toilets and elevated pit latrines), together with a sludge management solution (biogas).

Next step

Based on the survey done by our local partner BRIF with the village as their preferred solution, we will implement the solution consisting of raised deep tube wells with solar cells to supply the village with safe drinking water in the comin months.

We are grateful to our supporters for their funding in this key phase of our project: Vatten och Miljökonsulterna AB, HVR Water purification AB as well as everyone that participated in Marcus Nilsson´s fundraising campaign. We  also extend a special thanks to all the volunteers donating their time and expertise toward this project.

Openhack - Coding for Humanity joins EWB-SWE´s venture

EWB-SWE is pleased to announce the takeover of openhack to further invest in and develop socially sustainable solutions with humanitarian benefits.

Founded in 2015 as a project under Engineers Without Borders Sweden to answer pressing societal and humanitarian challenges through open source development, openhack grew into a subsidiary in the following years. In line with our digitalization strategy, EWB-SWE is now fully taking over the social company and collaborative community with one purpose: continue to solve challenges related to the Global Goals and Agenda 2030 through innovation.

- There are many good ideas, a strong will for innovation and a great entrepreneurial spirit in Sweden that we must cultivate and create conditions for. This is an important investment in our digitization strategy to be able to influence around the world. It is essential that we work together for social impact and increase collaborations in order to reach the Global Goals and create a better and more sustainable world, says Caroline Edelstam, Secretary General of EWB-SWE.

15 events and 10,000 participants

openhack is Sweden's hackathon pioneer and has won the CIO Awards as Digital Inspirer of the Year. To date, it has organized 15 successful hackathons on a physical, digital and hybrid basis in the last years, bringing together over 10,000 participants taking over 60 different humanitarian and social impact-oriented challenges.

Among these events, Hack the Crisis Sweden organized in 2020 during the pandemic broke record numbers with 7,500 people participating in the event, 160 partner organizations joining and supporting the initiative, leading to 530 solutions to different societal challenges. Just Arrived, BrightAct and VoiceMed, among others, are some of the startups that were successfully launched from the ideas. 

Welcome on board openhack!

- This is the beginning of an important collaboration where we have the opportunity to influence in a larger, international context. With EWB-SWE’s national and international network and unique engineering expertise, we can broaden our operations. Openhack has a large potential and we get a greater opportunity to create humanitarian benefits through innovation and social impact together, says Lukas Scheffer Leander, co-founder and CEO of Openhack.

We look forward to taking the next step in bringing together organizations and tech-volunteers to meet and exchange ideas and knowledge to advance humanity.

For more information on the venture, you can read our press release here (in Swedish) and reach out to Caroline Edelstam, caroline.edelstam@ewb-swe.org.

For more information on openhack, visit their website.

New Secretary General: Welcome Caroline Edelstam

We are very pleased to announce that Caroline is joining EWB-SWE from May 2nd and warmly welcome her to the team! 
Caroline joins us from Adréasson Public Relations in her role as Senior PR & Communications Consultant and has previous experience from the business world as well as from NGOs working with Human Rights and International Affairs as Secretary General at Amref Sweden, Director of Fundraising at Ersta Diakoni, and Co-founder and President of Edelstam Foundation.

“I’m delighted with this opportunity to become part of the important work of EWB-SWE, contributing to sustainable, global development with the organization’s great efforts in strengthening communities worldwide. I hope my previous experiences can contribute to the growth of the organization and I’m looking much forward to working with the Board, EWB-SWE’s management team and all our active volunteers throughout Sweden engaging in our projects”

- Caroline Edelstam


Run for a good cause!

Join Team EWB-SWE and take on Göteborgsvarvet to fundraise for safe health care in Tanzania!

As a registered runner of Göteborgsvarvet 2023, you can choose to run for a good cause and make a difference. We are calling all runners to support EWB-SWE and help fundraise to improve the quality of healthcare for thousands of families in Tanzania.

For safe health care

Access to a safe and adequate health care system makes a huge difference in people's lives.In Tanzania, EWB-SWE aims to support hospitals facing infrastructural challenges limiting them to provide safe health care. By implementing sustainable and effective technical solutions, we increase access to satisfactory healthcare and reduce mortality. 

Why run for EWB-SWE?

  • For over 15 years, we've been driven by a single goal - build a sustainable future for communities around the world.

  • Your fundraising means we can mobilize our engineering expertise to provide lasting solutions and engage in the long term - empowering communities today and ensuring their resilience tomorrow.

  • No matter how much you raise, your fundraising will have an impact and help us engage where the needs are the greatest to engineer even more sustainable change.

On your marks …

Get set, launch your campaign and rally your family and friends to join you in your goal to raise funds for improved quality of healthcare in Tanzania!

Not ready to run yourself? Support our campaigners and make a donation - every step matters!


Donate via GivenGain

Donate via GivenGain


Tanzania: Supporting an Open school for pregnant and teenage mothers

A school for pregnant and teenage mothers in Tanzania

Since gaining independence in the 1960s, the Tanzanian government has had a policy of expelling pregnant students and adolescent mothers from school. Tens of thousands of young women have been forced to abandon their ambition of completing primary and secondary education. In late 2021 the Tanzanian Ministry of Education officially granted adolescent mothers the right to return to school. Even so, due to the extensive expelling of adolescent mothers over more than six decades, it will take a considerable amount of time before the stigmatisation of the adolescent mothers disappears and their situation improves in Tanzanian society.

Benefits for teenage girls and the community

The main objective of Tumaini is to offer the abandoned mothering and pregnant students in rural Tanzania, a second chance by constructing an Open school with primary and secondary education as well as vocational training. The majority of the students will not be required to pay a tuition fee and the school is planning to provide facilities for child care, kitchen and dining hall, auditorium and dormitories for students needing to be boarding school students, etc. The completed school is planned to have a capacity of at least 450 students both day students and boarding school students.

Collecting data for a deeper understanding

The initial aim has been to collect as much data as possible to get a full understanding of the situation the young mothers are coping with as well as try to listen attentively to the Tumaini organisation what the needs really are. From a visit in August 2022 to Tabora, Malin Sandström, Leader of the Construction collected a great deal of information and specific project requirements. In interviews with some of the girls as well as their parents, they shared dreams and wishes for the future that they hoped the school could help them to accomplish. 

A multidisciplinary and holistic approach

The project itself is technically challenging and will run over a long period of time. Therefore a multidisciplinary team with a holistic approach is being recruited amongst volunteers. The project also has a need to include angels from both education, socialisation and communication within the school and its vicinity. As well as environmental impact, cost effectiveness and sustainability perspective.

Travel diary from Nepal

Field trip to Nepal by Oskar Örling, Partner Coordinator for Build up Nepal

I have worked as a partner coordinator for Build up Nepal on a volunteer basis for the last two years. During these years the collaboration between EWB-SWE and Build up Nepal has flourished and developed into a strong established partnership. I have had the pleasure of working closely with Björn, Founder and Managing Director of Build up Nepal, and very skilled engineers volunteering for EWB-SWE. We have had several projects focusing on developing the technical aspect of Build up Nepal's work.

Due to the pandemic, our visit to Nepal had been postponed, but at the end of November last year we finally had the opportunity to travel to Nepal to learn more about the project and visit our colleagues at the office in Nepal. 

Meeting with Build up Nepal staff

The journey started by encountering Petrus, our newly recruited project manager at a cafe at Arlanda airport. We were both overly excited about the trip and I think Petrus in particular was unsure about what he had just thrown himself into head first. The flight was quite exhausting, but we arrived safely in Kathmandu where we were greeted by one of the Build Up Nepal staff.

Meeting Björn and his wife Bina was like meeting an old friend, having worked with him for a long time, it was amazing to finally see him in person. Together with members of his team - Kajal, Angana, Indra among others - we went through the details of our field trip, and the material testing that Petrus was going to assist with and were shown around the premises of their new office and workshop.

Highlighits of the trip

Together with Marlene, Head of international projects, who arrived the next day, we shared a wonderful week in Nepal. Besides sticking to the planned agenda we had time to experience the chaotic but beautiful city of Kathmandu,  eat the most fantastic food in the world and get to know the all too friendly Nepalese people. But when people ask me what was the highlight of the trip, it is without hesitation meeting and being incredibly warmly welcomed by all the entrepreneurs, school staff and families during the field trip. Each one is a unique encounter that will never be forgotten. We were simply amazed by their ingenuity, charisma and hard work dedicated to creating jobs, businesses and enabling education and safe housing.

A collaboration since 2016

During the years since EWB-SWE started the cooperation with Build Up Nepal, I believe our partnership has had room to deepen a lot and we are lucky to have a partner where the contribution of our engineering expertise really makes a difference. I hope that we can maintain this strong cooperation and of course hope to see Björn and his team soon again!

/Oskar Örling - Partner Coordinator Build Up Nepal

New Podcast - Meet Marianne from EWB-SWE and Kinna from Sandvik

Meet Marianne Grauers, Board member of Engineers Without Borders Sweden and Kinna Brundin, Global Event and Partnership Manager at Sandvik in a brand new podcast, in which they share their inspiring experiences from one of our projects in Tanzania, discuss the important role of engineers in development and highlight the long-term successful partnership between Sandvik and EWB-SWE.

As a Board member of EWB-SWE, Marianne has been part of our school project with Mavuno in Tanzania for several years. Mavuno Boarding School opened in 2016 and aims to give young girls the opportunity to attend school in a very rural region of the country and prepare them for university studies. In this podcast, she is joined by Kinna, responsible for the collaboration with EWB-SWE at Sandvik who visited the school in September 2022 and shares her experience from the field trip.

Call for Board Nominations

Are you looking for a way to contribute to our cause and make an impact? Do you have ideas to help Engineers Without Borders Sweden become a stronger organization? 2023 call for nominations to the Board is now open!

Deadline: February 19th

Engineers Without Borders Sweden´s Board has the overall responsibility for the organization and mainly works with the development of the organization and support for the management team of 4 full-time employees. In line with the launch of our new strategy for 2023-2027, we are taking a more strategic approach to our cause and are looking for new Board members to lead the way, bring a breadth of skills and perspectives, and make a significant impact on our organization and for the communities we engage with.

In the role as Board member, you get to work with competent colleagues and participate in the organizational development of our growing organization. 

What we are looking for is an individual who:

  • has a strategic mindset

  • can support a non profit and growing organization

  • has a broad experience in strategy, growth and follow-up

In the role as Board member, you are expected to:

  • dedicate approx. 4-6 hours of work per month for Board meetings, ongoing Board work and work with the organization's management;

  • share your expertise, contribute with challenging questions and, if possible, act as a sounding board for EWB-SWE´s team.

Does this sound like an interesting role for yourself or someone you know? Share your nomination with our election committee before February 19th > election.committee@ewb-swe.org

For questions about the work within the Board, please contact Jan Byfors, acting Secretary General and Board member > jan.byfors@ewb-swe.org

Engineers Without Borders Sweden celebrates 15 years of impact!

It's official - EWB-SWE has turned 15! As we reach this important milestone for our organization, we couldn't think of a better way to mark the occasion than to gather our amazing community for two days of celebration, throwback, inspiration, learning and networking.


It all started in 2007 when a handful of students and a retired engineer initiated Engineers Without Borders in Sweden. A lot has happened since. And there is so much more to look forward to. 

On November 11th, we had the pleasure to invite our members, volunteers, partners and stakeholders to a celebration evening at Ingenjörshuset in Stockholm, honoring our 15 years of engineering for humanity and social impact for the communities we engage with. Following two years of digital events, we are grateful to be able to meet again with our fabulous community of like-minded people standing behind our vision and supporting our ambitions to use humanitarian engineering to engage, inspire and unite people to build sustainable communities.

A growing community 

After a quick walk down memory lane featuring how our organization and its impact have grown over the years, we took a chance to honor our volunteers who play a pivotal role in our work. Together, they form a network of passionate and experienced people bringing their skills and experiences to our projects, activities and organization, carrying out most of the important work of EWB-SWE. 

Our work is also powered by the commitment of corporate partners and supporting companies and we are thrilled that so many joined us. We are incredibly happy to see our community of partners growing year after year and grateful for the funding and knowledge-sharing they offer to increase our impact and develop our activities further.

Engineering for a sustainable future

EWB-SWE mobilizes its engineering expertise to power innovative solutions and solve challenges related to poverty and global development. We believe that engineering is a critical enabler of change for communities in need - a vision also shared among the global community of Engineers Without Borders organizations.

 We are grateful to our keynote speaker Joe Mulligan, “Change Maker” at our sister organization EWB-UK, for joining us on stage and sharing spot-on thoughts on globally responsible engineering. Based on his extensive engineering experience in different contexts, Joe emphasized the role and the importance of engineering in the development of our societies and our globe, as well as the four principles of globally responsible engineering: purpose, inclusivity, regeneration, and responsibility. We see many synergies in our approach, putting global responsible engineering on the map for a sustainable future for all, and look forward to a stronger collaboration with EWB-UK. 

Member Day 

The second day of our weekend was dedicated to Members Day - an important arena for our organization to build our community and also share new ideas and thoughts on how we can improve our work. Over 60 members joined on this sunny Saturday to network, get inspired, shape the future of the organization, and have fun! 

Throughout the day, we focused on social impact through humanitarian engineering and the important role of our members in achieving this. First, we deep dived into the concept of social impact and how it links to our work at EWB-SWE. We then had the privilege to hear more on humanitarian engineering and the engineers' role from Keven Passino, Director of the Humanitarian Engineering Center - Ohio, and writer of the book: Humanitarian Engineering: Advancing Technology for Sustainable Development Research. The last part of the day was dedicated to workshops based on some of our ongoing projects to invite our members to think beyond the technical solution and share perspectives on our work. 

Until we meet again

This fall's events were truly inspirational and we are very much looking forward to the next time we all meet again soon. There is quite an exciting journey ahead of us and we will rely on our community to reach our ambitions. Thank you for your continuous support and commitment toward Engineering for Humanity!


Caroline Bastholm is leaving her position as Secretary General

Caroline Bastholm is leaving her position as Secretary General

Caroline Bastholm is leaving her position as Secretary General of Engineers Without Borders Sweden.

After 5 years as Secretary General of Engineers Without Borders Sweden, Caroline Bastholm is leaving her position. Caroline has been instrumental in shaping the organization in her role as Secretary General and in previous volunteer based positions.

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